Monday 19 December 2011


The use of costumes within our thriller opening will be very important as they will help individualise certain characters from others as well as carrying connotations into the characteristics of a specific character.

The character I am playing is a detective who has recently lost his daughter. Therefore I decided that a suit would be a suitable item of clothing to wear as it carries connotations of both sophistication and a higher status as well as being rather traditional detective clothing. However I would not wear a tie and have the top button undone to imply that my character, due to the death of his daughter, is now not as concerned about his perception from others.  Then either accompanying the blazer and shirt with jeans to portray a more casual look to continue the uncaring appearance and to  further show the affects of losing his daughter is having on him. I could also wear a long raincoat over the top which would fit the stereotypical detective trope, therefore this would allow the audience to immeadiatly recognise that my character is a detective without having to say any dialogue.

My character could also wear glasses as it also carries the sophisticated as well as the educated connotation. He could also interact with them, for example throw them down if he is angry or clean them to show a variation of actions. They could also be used for a different type of film shot, for example if my character takes them off the camera shot becomes blurry to show the characters impaired vision.

The detective suffers from visions of his daughter, a sign to the audience of his inability to deal with the death of her. If the daughter wears a white dress it carries the connotations of purity and cleanliness. As the daughter has died, she will be very pale, therefore the white dress would emphasises the paleness of her. Stains such as mud or blood will also show up more clearly as well, so the audience will be able to notice them straight away


If the detectives daughter wears red shoes, it would provide a strong contrast between the white dress. Red is symbolic of, firstly, love which she had for her dad (the detective) and vis versa. Secondly, it also symbolises death which the daughter has suffered from.


  1. its ok mimi, i fancy you xoxox

  2. Love our costumes so much dat we're just awesome @ wat we do wen we dress up oh halloween
