Wednesday 21 December 2011


Even though they are not the most significant part to our opening, the props we use will help add to the atmosphere of the opening as well as, if used well, to show to the audience different characteristics the character may have or used to identify the type of personality the character has.

During the opening scene, the detective will be carrying a bouquet of white flowers to be placed on his daughters grave. The reason for using white flowers is because they have connotations (like the daughters dress) of purity and cleanliness. Also, the white flowers could be linked to the daughter white dress to continue to emphasise her purity which, as the audience find out, was taken away from her. Therefore this will create a strong empathy for the daughter.

During the detectives flashbacks of his daughter in the opening scene, she will be carrying either by her side or in front of her a small teddy bear. The teddy bear carries connotations of child or young which the daughter was therefore making the audience feel sympathy towards her because due to the teddy bear they realise that she was only young when she was murdered. It also symbolises a personally belonging to the daughter, something which she kept close to her. The detective will also have the teddy bear in his car during the credit sequence which the audience should realise and therefore notice that, in a way, the detective is trying to cling onto the memories which he has of his daughter.

My character would also carry a new generation touch-screen smart phone. This carries the connotation of wealth, therefore implies that the character is a well paid detective. Also, as the phone itself is of the latest technology it implies that his work encourages him to able to access the internet, take pictures and be contacted easily. The camera or video recorder on the phone could also be used as an alternative way of filming to give a more personal approach.

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