Tuesday 17 January 2012

Credit sequence ideas

Credits have a major role in our thriller opening as they will be the first images/ words the audience will see. Therefore choosing the credits which carry certain connotations or set the mood will be extremely beneficial in creating that tension which we need. Below are some ideas which I think could help set the mood:

Distant relationship productions - I thought of the relationship between the detective and the daughter, which was very close while she was alive (which will be shown in the flashbacks) but as she is now deceased there is distant in their relationship. Therefore before the film as even begun the audience will be given certain hints on what could possible happen, such as a 'distant relationship'.

Reminiscent films - If this company name were to follow 'distant relationship productions' it would further give hints to the characters in the film or plot line. 'Reminiscent' or reminiscence is also a synonym of flashback which is what the detective suffers from in the opening of our thriller.

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