Friday 6 January 2012

Risk Assessment

Before we are allowed to film, we had to do a risk assessment of the possible incidents that could occur while filming.
While filming in the forest, the lake in which one of the characters walk past could be a possible risk hazard as one of us could slip and fall into the lake. To ensure that this does not happen, we will remain at all times at least 2 metres away to avoid any possible incidents.

Another risk hazard will be while walking over the wooden bridge as shown in the picture. Over time the bridge has become weakened and may break if it has too much weight. To avoid this, we will check the bridge thoroughly before walking along it to check if it is safe to walk along.

The shot that requires us to be in a car while its moving has the possible hazard of it crashing. To avoid this we will make sure that we are driving along a either deserted road or not a busy one. Also we will have an experienced driver driving us as they do not need to be in the shot, then we will also have someone outside the car making sure there is no on-coming traffic which could cause a possible crash.

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