Tuesday 3 January 2012


Location is a key aspect that we have to consider when filming our thriller opening. In order to create the most believable opening as well as portraying the right atmosphere will all depend on the setting of our opening. Therefore I have been going out and looking around various locations which would suit of opening the best. Below is images of which I decided would work best:

This location, in the nature reserve in Stansted, stood out to me as, firstly, the way the trees have been cut down either side of the bridge give the impression of a rather denatured place as the trees have been hacked down untidily. In my eyes it also symbolises death as the trees have been destroyed therefore it would mirror, so to speak, the death of the daughter. Secondly, the wooden bridge in the centre of the picture would create a deep thudding diegetic sound if it were to be run over, and add to the sinister atmosphere.

In this image, also in the nature reserve in Stansted, the lake caught my eye as it offered a varied way of filming. If a character were to walk along the path to the right of the lake then we could use the reflections from the lake to film him/her.
The third picture from the nature reserve in Stansted, works well as the single solitary path has a sense of confinement about it as well as giving the impression that the character has a lack of choice in the matter as they can only go one way and this reflects how the daughter didn't have a choice in her murder.

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