Tuesday 17 January 2012

Thriller music

Possibly ideas for our thriller opening music (music from the website - freeonlinemusic.com):

For our opening sequence will need music that can build tension and then speed up with the action. Both of these to reflect the scene and these are what we believe will work:

Lair - Starting from 00:00, subtly builds up tension within the scene and progressively becomes more sinister which would help set the dark physiologic tone at the start of our opening and carry it on during clips of the present.

Green Eyed - Starting from  01:06, this piece portrays more of a calming yet melancholic tone and will be effective in our opening during the flashbacks on the detectives daughter and times he spent with her. 

If we cross fade both music pieces throughout the opening it will highlight to the audience the contrast between the present (detective pursuing a possible suspect) and the past (flashbacks of daughter) therefore making the audience go through varying moods in the opening such as sympathy for the detective and the daughter during the flashbacks and tension and suspense during the pursuing in the present.


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