Tuesday 15 November 2011

Analyses Of The Opening To Se7en

We analysed the opening of the film Se7en (1995) which is about two detectives, a rookie and a veteran, hunt a serial killer who uses the seven deadly sins as his modus operandi. Individually, we each analysed a specific field within mis -en- scene.

Becky looked at the camera within the opening of Se7en. She noticed:
  • The use of low angled camera shots portrayed Detective. Somerset (Morgan Freeman)  as a significant character within the story and its plot. 
  • Numerous close up shots to illustrate to the audience both Detective. Somerset and Detective. Mills (Brad Pitt) their emotions and reactions towards what is going on. 
  • There was also a pan shot to follow both the main characters once they were outside and walking along the street. This allowed the audience to feel more engaged with what was going on as the pan camera shot implied that the audience was accompanying the characters while they were walking along.
  • Close up shots were also used when both the main characters were in the apartment where the crime was committed. It had close ups of both were the murder took place and the blood on the wall to show the audience what exactly went on. 
  • The first shot is of Detective. Somerset which therefore implies that the film will be based around him.
Mike looked at the props and costumes used by the characters in Se7en. He noticed that:
  • Detective. Somerset wore traditional police investigator clothing which insinuates to the audience, without having to say anything, that he is indeed a Detective. His clothing differs from the uniform of Detective. Mills as he is dress roughly and less formal which further shows how the two characters differentiate between each other.
  • Objects within the house of Detective. Somerset were well presented and tidy which contrasts to the neighbourhood in which he lives in, which is violent. the chess pice in the centre of the room shows his intelligence.
  • The metronome in Detective. Somerset's house is a main focus within his house.
  • The blood on the wall from the murdered victim, highlights the 'sloppy' and un- skilled manor  to which the victim had been killed in. 
Jack looked at editing and sound within the clip. He noted that:
  • The police radio in the background helped to implied that the men are cops or involved with the police force. 
  • The heightened diegetic sound of the metronome can be interpreted in different ways. One way is that Detective. Somerset may be running out of time either within the case or in his actual life. Or each beat could be symbolically representing his heart beat and maybe insinuating that he does not have long left to live. 
  • Intra- diegetic sound of the soundtrack whilst credits are playing to create tension and suspense, this shows the mood of the film
  • The diegetic sound of the rain and the busy road next to the two main characters helps to create a believable atmosphere.
  • The rapid cutting during credits is used to create both suspense and ambiguity. 
  • low cut scene rate is used to allow conversation to flow as well as allowing the audience to understand what's going on.
  • The son serif reversed out copy font used to tell the audience of the names of actors and directors in the film mirrors the tone and creepy atmosphere of the film. 
  • The dog barking and screeching of the car, most probably intra-diegetic, implies that the characters are in a rather hostile environment. 

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