Friday 11 November 2011

Audience Research

In preperation for when we start our coursework sometime next week. I decided to research different ways into how to research what the audience would want to see. By doing so this would aid us extreamly when deciding what to base our thriller opening around.
                                                                          One way to research the audience is by using Focus Groups; this is a group of people whose perspective, opinions, attitudes, feelings, experiences etc. is taking into account and then used to formulate what they, as a whole, would enjoy and possibly go to see. Benefits of using Focus Groups are as followed: 1) we will recieve clear information on what the audience would like to see and enjoy. 2) We will be able to ask direct questions to the group, also allowing the ability to change the questions depending on the informatio nwe recieve. however the disadvantages are: 1) By using Focus Groups can be very time consuming and will take a while to orginise as wel las set up. 2) We may accidently be asking biased questions depending on the groups views, therefore there is a possibility of finding out a too specific view instead of a generalised one.
                                                               A differing way to collect audience research is by using Data Collection; this is where online research is partaken to see popularity of the genre across exisiting data collection methods. The advantages of this are: 1) We will find out the public interest at the moment i.e. what's popular, in fashion, any patterns. 2) As the information has already been recorded this means it will be secondary, therefore making it easy for us to obtain. However the disadvantages of this are: 1) As the information is secondary, we will be taking the risk that it may not be the correct information that we are retrieving. 2) Although we are able to see the what is in fashion, so to speak, we will not be able to ask more specific questions into why the public liked it or what they acquired from it.  
                                                                                                                A further, alternative way of attaining information is by Online Questionaires. This is where we write down a list of questions on a website and then the public fill it out accordingly. Benefits of this are as followed: 1) As it is online, this allows the use of social websites such as Facebook or Twitter. Therefore we can obtain the view of the public easier. 2) It will also will not be time consuming, as we won't have to print out multiple copies and post them or hand them out. 3) Advertising and sending it to lots of people will be easier, word of mouth can also be applied to it as well. However the downfalls are: 1) By using an Online Questionaire, we take the risk that the public may not be willing to fill it out meaing obtaining a response could take a while or be unreliable. 2) We will also be restricted to the question we ask. The majority of questions will be in a 'Yes or No' format which doesn't give us reliable and accurate feedback.

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