Monday 21 November 2011

Thriller Questionnaire

To discover infomation from audience research there a steps to take.


To find out infomation on the audience you need to find the audiences likes and dislikes. Thesemayb included; favouritefilms, favourite genres, favourite actors, favourite music and favourite settings.
Extracting opinion from the audience is key to a successful thriller. To do this we need to ask them their opinions on what makes a good thriller and their cultural preferences.
 finally a deciding factor is their opinion on what they think makes a good film.

As part of our audience research we designed a questionnaire where we asked 20 people 10 questions about what they think of Thriller films. We did this to help us to get an idea of who our target audience will be and what they will expect from our own Thriller film. The questions we asked are below.

1) How old are you?

  • 15 - 21
  • 22 - 30
  • 30+
When we received the questionnaires back we found that the majority of the people we asked were aged 15 - 21.

2) What is your favourite genre of film?
  • Comedy
  • Thriller
  • Horror
  • Romance
  • Sci-fi
  • Other
The most popular genres we found were Comedy and Thriller.

3) What do you look for in a Thriller film?

The majority of people we asked said they looked for tension and suspense in a Thriller film.

4) Name some of your favourite Thriller films

Black Swan and The Dark Knight were popular answers.

5) What is it about them that makes you like them?

Most of the people we asked found that their favourite Thriller film is full of excitement, has a good plot and keeps them on edge.

6) What do you feel should be in a psychological Thriller film?

Every person who answered this question felt that there should be a murder in a psychological Thriller.

7) What was the last Thriller film you saw?

Shutter Island and Black Swan were the most popular answers.

8) How did you find it?

Most of the people we asked found the last Thriller film they saw thrilling and exciting.

9) What do you expect to see in an opening sequence of a Thriller film?

Action, main characters and a clue of the plot were popular answers to this question.

10) What do you prefer; psychological Thriller or action Thriller?

15 out of the 20 people we asked said they prefer psychological Thrillers.

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