Wednesday 16 November 2011

Differences between a Thriller and Horror

Definition of a thriller: fast paced, frequent action scenes, and plots in which a small number of resourceful heroes must thwart, often violently, the plans of more-powerful and better-equipped villains.

Thrillers tend to deal with creating a on-edge experience for the audience and make them feel both suspense and tension. Also, Thrillers typically emphasize plot over character development. The thriller villains typically plan crimes on the grand scale: serial or mass murder, terrorism, assassination, or the overthrow of governments. The main protagonist in Thrillers tend to be a male however, women have been used as the lead protagonist as demonstrated in 'Silence of the Lambs'. Thrillers are also one of the only films which can incorporate many sub-genres into the film; horror, comedy, romance, psychological, mystery etc are some of the many sub-genres which thrillers deal with. In some cases, Thrillers deal more with showing the victims point of view as well as the antagonist, this way audiences are more knowledgeable about the antagonist.

Some of the best thrillers include: Pulp Fiction, Inception, Snatch, Black Swan, Silence of the Lambs, Shutter Island and The Dark Knight.

Definition of a Horror: attempting to make the viewer experience fright, fear, terror, disgust or horror. Its plots often involve the intrusion of an evil force, event, or personage, sometimes of supernatural origin, into the mundane world.

Horror's tend to deal with mythical creatures or myths in their films such as vampires, zombies (and other forms of resurrected corpses), werewolves, ancient curses, ghosts, demons. Horrors also play on the audience's sense of reality, pulling them away into a place where creatures and zombies do exist; which makes the audience question what they would do in that position. Horror also contains graphic scenes (especially shown in the film 'Saw') which disgust most audiences and is not for the faint hearted. However Horror films provide the audience with these terrifying and gruesome encounters as it creates a circumstance for the audience to experience without being harmed and also they wouldn't have to experience what happens in Horror films in real life.

Some of the best Horror films include: Paranormal activity trilogy, The Thing, The Exorcist, Saw, The Strangers, Insidious.

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