Tuesday 8 November 2011

Opening sequence of a Thriller film

Today, as we are having to film the opening 2 minutes of a thriller film, we watched the opening 5 minutes of Ron Howard's The  Davinci Code (2006). We were given a sheet informing us on typical thriller conventions and then while watching the clip we refered to the sheet, seeing if The Davinci Code filled ay of these typical thriller conventions.The following list is about what certain aspects and conventions to the opening of a thriller film did The Davinci Code contain:
  • The main protagonist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) is systematically disempowered and drawn into a complex web of intrigue by the antagonist known as Silas (Paul Bettany).
  • The opening also gave a vague insight for the audience into what the plot line will be like - in this case, as the clip contained an unexplained murder, we depicted that it will be about the unravelling of  murder mystery however possibly containing more sinster secrets which will be revealed as the film unfolds. 
  • The main antagonist who is revealed straight away is wearing dark brown robes (like the ones which monks are often seen wearing) and it creates a mysterious aura around the antagonist as his face is not fully exposed. 
  • The clip also contains a hightened diegetic sound when the gun shot goes off and this adds to the shock factor for the audience. Furthmore a intra-diegetic sound of, firstly a violin and then an orchestra becomes involved to build up the tension and suspense before the antagonist kills the unidenitified man in the art gallery. 
  • The use of dark lighting is used heavily in the opening of the film, especially when the antagonist is pursueing the man in the art gallery. It is used to create a mysterious tone around the antagonist and as there is dark lighting used it could be in order to symbolise the antagonist's attitude and characteristics.
  • There is a contrast to how the protagonist is giving a speech in a relaxed atmosphere and to that of the almost uncomfortable and threatening atmosphere when we are observing the antagonist commiting a murder. 
  • The opening of the clip also informs the name of the film as well as other companies and institutions involved with the producing of the film.
Written by Jack

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