Friday 11 November 2011

Thriller Film Information

In order to gain a better perceptive of what a true thriller film opening contains as well as what has been a trend in recent thriller films genre's. I decided to do some background research into it the basis of a succesful Thriller opening.
            Therefore I went back to 2010 and researched information about numerous Thriller films since then. As I had seen it when it was released in cinemas back in March 12, 2010, I thought Shutter Island featuring Leonardo DeCaprio would be a good palce to start. On the popular critic and review website - Rotten Tomato (link posted at the bottom of the blog) Shutter Island was rated 6.9/ 10 and then 73% of the audience enjoyed it. A reasonable response seeing as Shutter Island took a step away from the recent explosive action-based genre Thriller had been presenting and went into a more psychological/ mysterious path. However I have identified that there had been a trend since Shutter Island. As the public were not fimiliar with a psychological genres to thriller, Shutter Island did not rate as high as personally i thought it shoudl have. But since then, movie producers have also taken a step away from explosive, action-based thrillers and into that of a psychological one. A clear example of this is Inception another one of Leonardo Decaprio's films where Christopher Nolan (director and producer) presents a world where tapping into peoples dream and either extracting out or placing thoughts in peoples minds. This was released on July 16th 2010 and rated, by rotten tomato, at 8/10, where 93% of the general public enjoyed it. Therefore this clearly shows how psychological thrillers started to become more popular and in fashion. A more recent example is Black Swan which is a psychological thriller set in the world of New York City ballet. This film, staring Natalie Portman as the lead actress, takes a popular womans fantasy of being in the ballet and twists it upside down, twisting it and messing with not only the actress's but the audience perception of the ballet. This also rated 8/10 on rotten tomato and 86% of the audience enjoyed it.
                                                                                                                                                    Therefore judging by this information, I can depict that pyschological thriller films are in fashion and demanding by the public as of present. That means that it would be wise to base of thriller film around a pyschological, mysterious genre and possibly playing with what the audience percieve as 'normal' and twist it upside down. This will draw the audience in as it gives the audience what they want but at the same time provide an experience which they will hopefully never forget... In a good way I hope! - Link to rotten tomato website

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