Tuesday 15 November 2011

Data Collection

We decided to start gathering audience research to aid us for when we do our own thriller opening. To do this we gathered information about top rated thriller films such as - Pulp Fiction and Inception from various websites for example - IMDb.

List of top rated thriller films - IMDb

We then decided to view the trailer of Inception on YouTube as it was rated 3rd highest on IMDb and would give us a perceptual insight to what makes a successful thriller film. Below is the trailer for Inception:

We noticed that on the trailer, sound track was heavily relied on. If there was no intra- diegetic sound it would not have the same affect and would be perceived differently by the audience. A rapid cutting rate at the start was used to portray a mysterious aura about the film, not giving too much information away to allow for the audience to perceive it uniquely. Then a mixture between alternative shots within in the film; where a few shots are of action and suspense then contrasting and breaking that up by showing screen shots which are more explanatory of the main story. This helps the audience to engage easier as they have a better understanding of that the story and plot line will roughly be about. Then as the trailer unfolds further dramatic screen shots accompanied by the sound track which is becoming faster paced and louder specially helps the audience to feel suspense, tension and excitement all at once leaving a lasting impression.

If we are able to incorporate these ideas of dramatic sound track, rapid cutting rate of clips and contrasts of clips varying in tension and action into our thriller opening then we will have a strong and well rounded opening.

Referring to my other post about how psychological genres in thriller films are becoming increasingly popular since Shutter Island, it would be wise to also deal with a psychological thriller opening as these seem to be on demand judging by the data collection we have collected.

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