Tuesday 22 November 2011

Ideal Audience Member

We've now completed our audience research. This involved: carrying out a data collection on best thrillers, successful types of thrillers and the current trend; creating a questionnaire for people to fill out and give back to us; performing a focus group which allowed us to gain a varied response into what, for them, makes a great thriller.
          Judging on the feedback from our audeicne research the tagert audience will be those between the ages of 15 - 21, however those of an older age will also be taken into consideration. We also found that the audience would rather be kept in suspense, with tension being built up rather than having an action thriller. This linked well with our other feedback from the question "what are your favourite thriller films?" which was answered with 'Black Swan' and 'The Dark Knight', which both deal with a lot of suspense within the film. We also found that the people we asked where based in and around university cities such as Cambridge, therefore we will aim our film towards those audiences, possibly by filming some scenes within the city of  Cambridge itself. Judging by the feedback on interests the majority of people stated that they enjoy going to the cinema regularly, socialising and participating in sports. The majority of the people consumed films either by going to the cinema or from DVD's.

         Further audience research showed that the audience throughly enjoyed a clever plot, with a significant twist towards the end. With also a main sinister and threatening soundtrack at the start as well as during the credits to set the mood and tone early on. The main thing that people agreed on was that they would like the setting of the film to be set in a relatable atmosphere which they had either been to before or can access. This will create a more threatening atmosphere which is closer to home.

         Once we begin to film, we will take into account all of the collected information, including what we personally believe will aid us in creating the opening to a successful thriller film.

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