Tuesday 29 November 2011

Typography Research

During our 2 minute thriller opening, the credits will be a main feature and one we must get right. Judging on various film openings, the style of font chosen can have a major impact on the film for example, a fancy script like font such as 'Lucida Handwritting' can give off a feminine and elegant persona whereas a font like 'Stencil' has an almost military feel to it. The style of font depicts the genre or atmosphere the film will portray.

As our genre of film is a Thriller, I researched multiple, what I felt, Thriller or creepy styles of font. Below are the URL's which I researched them from:

Thrillerhttp://www.1001fonts.com/font_details.html?font_id=3642 -  - This font is named "the unseen" which straight away grabbed my attention as i felt that it gives off a creepy and desperation mood, which would be perfect when being used on the characters and directors names whilst the credits role. 

Thrillerhttp://www.1001fonts.com/font_details.html?font_id=2932 - The next font I looked at was called "My scars" which also caught my eye as I immediately noticed the, what it seems to look like, blood dripping from each word which would imply to the viewers that there will be murder and death in the film. Therefore it works well to initially set the atmosphere of the film. 

http://www.1001fonts.com/font_details.html?font_id=3131 - This font called "conspiracy" looks as if it has been written in blood and/ or had blood splatters round the outside of the words which insinuates that someone or something has died. It straight away implies a creepy and rather sadistic mood to it which would work well with our thriller opening to scare or make the audience feel on edge early on.  

Thrillerhttp://www.1001fonts.com/font_details.html?font_id=1303 - The font ironically named "flatline" would work well as the letters joined together create a heart monitor effect which would subtly hint that there will be someone on the verge of death or in a hospital. It would also work well with a heartbeat being played over the top to continue to portray a heart monitor machine. 

Thrillerhttp://www.1001fonts.com/font_details.html?font_id=408 - "Decrepit", to me, gives off an impression of a unfinished effect as bits of words are missing which could be used to symbolise many things. Either someone has a part missing from them, someone has lost or loses a loved one or an incomplete feel to someone. This would arose the audiences superstitions of what will unfold throughout the film. 

Thrillerhttp://www.1001fonts.com/font_details.html?font_id=3585 - This font named "Script Serif" is presented in a reverse out copy as the white back ground and black font have switched. By doing this the title, whatever we chose it to be, will stand out more and be more significant. Also, how the font is not written neatly and rather random (mixture of both capitals and lower case) implies an uncaring or inconsiderate aura to it which, as previous said, arose's the audiences superstitions and ultimately creating tension early on which is important for a thriller film. 

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